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How to read an Uh Huh Honey Certificate of Analysis (CoA).

Updated: Dec 9, 2022

You have done your research and have decided that you want to try a cannabinoid wellness honey. How can you use testing to help determine which brand or product you should purchase?

You should always ask to review a Certificate of Analysis (CoA) for any hemp derived product you purchase. While most brands will make potency testing available, the most reputable also provide testing for potential containments that could be a residual of the manufacturing process.

Uh Huh Honey is unique in its process and test for quality and containments before feeding the bees its proprietary nectar. The breakdown of cannabinoids is done by the bees into the honey, not infused like other hemp based honey's on the market. We then test the final honey produced naturally by the bees for potency and all possible containments again.

Beekeeper scraping red honey from a honeycomb


Uh Huh Honey is also unique in its bioavailability in comparison to other hemp honey's. Because the bee's naturally break down the cannabinoids into the honey instead of infusing an extracted cannabinoid into the honey, the cannabinoids and other botanicals in the honey transfer naturally. Pharmacokinetic (PK) studies have shown this process affords up to 9x more effective than tinctures and edibles.

Red Uh Huh Honey dripping from the end of a pump

What is a Certificate of Analysis or CoA?

Laboratory reports are commonly referred to as "Certificates of Analysis" or "CoA's" for short. The CoA is a document issued by a licensed third-party laboratory that presents the authenticated analytical results of a specific test on a product.

How do I find the test result (CoA) for my batch from Uh Huh Honey?

We make finding your result easy and can be done in a few short steps:

  • Find the batch number for your product.

  • Scan the QR code on the package, or follow this link to visit our product results page.

  • Click the link to jump to the product, or scroll down to find the product.

  • Find the associate batch and click on the batch number to pull up a PDF of the result.

  • Alternatively, you can use the search tool (Control + F) and search the batch number.

  • If you haven't purchased yet, the most recent batch currently being sold on our online store is at the top of the table of results!

Where can I find the batch number?

The product batch number and best buy date is stickered to the bottom of the box or tin as shown below.

How do I get to the product testing - Certificate of Analysis (CoA) - page?

Scan the QR code on the package, follow the link or navigate to the site from our menu or footer.

Product testing from the Menu - Access from the Menu Tab.

Screenshot of the top navigation menu

How do I read a Certificate of Analysis?

We have established that reviewing third party laboratory results is essential to make sure you are purchasing what is advertised, and that it is free of containments. However, unless you are a trained chemist, you will likely struggle to read must test results. We researched and engaged labs to find a third-party partner that always provides accurate, certified results, but also presents the report in an easy to comprehend report. We built this hand guide to help you find what we think are most important information on the lab reports provided, but if you would like a more detailed guide, please refer to Botanacor Labs.

Sample Information

The Sample information is the first section at the top of each CoA page that reports the product, batch, and type of test being reported.

Sample of the information panel on an Uh Huh Honey Lab

Product Name: Confirm that the product name matches the name of the product you are researching. The product name is listed right under the Botanacor labs logo and matches the name of the sample on the Chain of Custody form.

Batch ID: Confirm that the batch ID matches the batch you are researching. This batch ID should match the batch number on your product and is usually a 8 digit number with the format "xx-xxxxxx."

Type: We submit our final product being packaged and this will always read "Unit." The results are based on the total weight of product sold per bottle/tin.

Test: This highlights the type of test performed.

Test information

The second section of the CoA contains the data for the type of test preformed. oOYes reports will have the following test:

Cannabinoid Potency

Because Uh Huh Honey's are filled in different size containers. The results are reported in mg/g. In order to find the number of mg in the package, use the below formula. The cannabinoids in Uh Huh Honey is more bioavailable than hemp infused honey, customers report more effect per mg in the honey and you should begin by microdosing to discover how much is right for you!

Screenshot of the Cannabinoid results for an Uh Huh Honey lab report

Donut Chart - The donut chart will display each cannabinoid reported, including mg of CBD or CBG.

Bar Chart - The bar chart is mainly for compliance purposes. It presents the delta-9 THC, THCA, CBD, and CBDA.

Compound - The test results are listed by each analyte (cannabinoid) tested on the sample.

LOQ - LOQ means, "Limits of Quantitation." This is the lowest level that can be accurately quantitated for each analyte (cannabinoid) tested.

Result (%) - Reports the percentage of the analyte (cannabinoid) reported in a percentage format.

Result (mg/g) - Displays the the milligrams per gram (mg/g) for each analyte (cannabinoid) reported.

Total Cannabinoids - Presents the sum of THC and THCA and the sum of CBD and CBDA which is the total "potential use" THC or CBD once theoretically converted.

Conversion formula
a formula used to find the total amount of CBD per gram

In order to calculate how many mg of a cannabinoid is in your serving, use the above formula. For instance, using the above results, a serving of 10 grams of honey would have 2.1mg of CBD ( 2.1mg = 0.21 mg/g * 10g).

Residual Solvent Analysis

Sample lab report of residual solvents

Compound- Refers to the residual solvent tested.

Dynamic Range - Each solvent that we test has an upper and lower range of detection that is reported in ppm or parts per million (the unit of measure for residual solvent analysis.

Microbial Contamination

Sample lab report of microbial contaminants

Test - The potential microbial contaminant that the test is detecting in the sample. In addition to the microbial's required to be tested by the state of Colorado, oOYes additionally test for both Listeria monocytogenes and Staphylococcus aureus (staph infection).

CFU - Colony Forming Unit. The unit of measure for microbial contamination testing.

Result - Reports that the result is not detected or passed the threshold of containments allowed by the state.


Sample lab report of testing for pesticides in a lab report

Compound - The potential pesticide residue the sample was tested.

PPB - parts per billion, which is the unit of measurement for the test.

Result (ppb) - the amount or residual pesticide in the sample, reported in ppm or "none detected."

Heavy Metals

Sample lab report for Heavy Metals

Compound - The potential residual heavy metals the sample was tested.

PPM - parts per million, which is the unit of measurement for the test.

Reporting limit - 0.01ppm

Result - reported in ppm, the amount of residual solvent in the sample.

pH Testing

pH balance is the measure-of acidic/basic in the product. It is primarily used for shelf stability.

Final Approval

The third section of the CoA is the final approval signed by the analyst that completed the test and the Quality Assurance (QA) Analyst.

Prepared by/Date - The signature, name, date and time of the analyst that completed the test.

Approved by/Date - The signature, name, date and time of the quality assurance analyst that reviewed the data.

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